With Good Reason, Gerflor Taraflex Chosen for Orange County Convention Center

G.POS.A.PANTEarlier this summer, Gerflor USA’s Taraflex line of vinyl flooring was chosen as the new flooring for the Orange County Convention Center (OCCC) in Orlando for the 25th Annual Youth Basketball of America (YBOA) Championship Games. The OCCC selected 16 portable Taraflex courts for the tournament. With the contract, Taraflex had secured the largest vinyl-floor installation in the world for basketball.

According to event organizers, the events welcomed more than 10,000 visitors and 300 teams daily during its June 29-July 12 day run. Check out the installation video recently posted that showcases the impressive installation project.

When the selection was announced, Gerflor USA’s CEO, Benjamin Bachman, spoke about the selection.

“According to Safe Kids Worldwide, more than 46.5 million youth participate in sports each year in the United States,” said Bachman. “It’s very important that flooring provides excellent safety characteristics to young players, so we’re honored that the OCCC chose Gerflor to accommodate the nearly 50,000 spectators and athletes…during the YBOA Championship Games.”

Southeastern Surfaces & Equipment understands the value of Gerflor’s Taraflex; that’s why we’ve been installing it in gyms, professional spaces, and recreational facilities across the Southeast for years. We’re proud to be a certified installer for the legendary vinyl flooring.

Did you know? Taraflex has been used since 1975 in the Summer Olympic Games, and is well known as the preferred flooring provider to NCAA athletic programs and youth sports associations across America, according to the company. What’s more, Gerflor has been producing synthetic flooring since 1947, and to date, more than 300 million square feet of Taraflex has been installed worldwide, making it the world’s leading indoor sports flooring.

There are many advantages to having Taraflex flooring installed in your facility, particularly in heavy traffic areas or in spaces that have many constantly moving furniture or structures.

For one, Taraflex can be easily cleaned and doesn’t require polishing or waxing; it’s stain-resistant, too. And, an antimicrobial floor treatment can be added to Taraflex, which is extremely important in spaces in which children are in close contact with one another.

OCCC considered Taraflex’s excellent levels of safety and playability, too, as it selected its new vinyl flooring for recent YBOA Championship Games. What makes for good playability? Among others are ball bounce, shock absorption, and the right amount of grip and slide.

These are just a few of the reason’s Gerflor’s Taraflex is the world leader in vinyl flooring. If you’re looking for beautiful flooring in your public space that can withstand high traffic and doesn’t need to be waxed or polished, you’re wise to consider Taraflex.

Call us at Southeastern Surfaces & Equipment today at 1-800-644-8875 to discuss all your flooring options, including Gerflor’s Taraflex. We’ll help you find the perfect solution.